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NCATE Standard 1

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Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions


Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other school professionals know and demonstrate the content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and skills, pedagogical and professional knowledge and skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.  Institutional Report for Standard 1


Standard 1 Exhibits


1. State program review documents and state findings


     State program review documents will be posted by June 1, 2011.


2. Title II reports


     TItle II Report 2008-09.pdf 

     Title II Report 2007-08.pdf  


3. Key assessments and scoring guides used by faculty to assess candidate learning 


     Admission Essay:  Prompt  |  Rubric 2011  |  Rubric 2006-10

     Teaching Porfolio:  Rubric

     Lesson Plan:  Assignment  |  Template  |  Rubric

     Unit Work Sample:  Description 2011  |  Rubric 2011  

     Internship Evaluation (specific to program): http://newberryinternship.pbworks.com/w/page/34380629/Newberry-College-Internship


4. Data tables and summaries that show how teacher candidates have performed on key assessments 


     Teaching Portfolio: Portfolio Score Summary 2008-10.pdf  |  Portfolio Score Summary.pdf


     Lesson Plan:  2008-10 Lesson Plan Score Summary  


     Unit Work Sample:  UWS Score Summary 2007-10.pdf


     Internship Evaluation:  Internship Evaluation Rubric.pdf  |  2007-10 IE Summary of All Majors.pdf 

                                      Summaries by Major:  Chemistry  |  Early Childood  |  Elementary Ed  |  English  |  Mathematics

                                                                       Music  |  Physical Ed  |  Social Studies   


     PLT:  PLT Summary 3.31.2011.pdf   

             Summaries by Major:  Chemistry  |  Early Childhood  |  Elementary Ed  |  English  |  Mathematics

                                              Music  |  Physical Ed  |  Social Studies 


     PRAXIS II Summaries by Major:  Chemistry  |  Early Childhood  |  Elementary Ed  |  English  |  Mathematics  

                                                    Music  |  Physical Ed  |  Social Studies



5. Samples of candidate work


     Due to the confidential nature of sharing candidate work and scored rubrics, review team members will be given private access to LiveText Exhibit Center.


6. Follow-up studies of graduates


     Grad Job Placement Data 2001-10.pdf 

     Post Graduate Survey (blank).pdf  |  Results 2006-09 


7. Employer feedback on graduates and summaries of the results


     Post Graduate Survey for Principals (blank).pdf  |  Results 2008-09 


8. Candidate dispositions, including fairness and the belief that all students can learn, and related assessments, scoring guides, and data


     Dispositions for Teaching.pdf  |  Dispositions Definitions Table.pdf 

     Dispositions Assessment Rubric.pdf  |  Dispositions Score Report 2007-10.pdf 

     Dispositions Concerns Forms - Table 2008-11.pdf  



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