
NCATE Standard 4

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The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education and P–12 school faculty, candidates, and students in P–12 schools.  Institutional Report for Standard 4


Standard 4 Exhibits


1. Proficiencies related to diversity


     Professional Education Diversity Proficiencies.pdf  


2. Curriculum components that address diversity proficiencies


     Table of Diversity Components.pdf  


3.  Assessment instruments, scoring guides, and data related to diversity



         Dispositions Assessment Rubric.pdf 

         Portfolio Rubric.pdf 

         Mean GPA Averages for EDU 232.pdf  

     Lesson Planning

         Lesson Plan Assignment.pdf 

         Lesson Plan Template.pdf 

         Lesson Plan Rubric.pdf  


     EDU 232 Working with Exceptional and Diverse Learners 

         Educating Esme Paper Guidelines.pdf 

         Educating Esme Graphic Organizer.pdf 

         Educating Esme Paper Rubric.pdf 

         Fairness Statement Guidelines.pdf 

         Fairness Statement Rubric.pdf 

         Reflection Paper and Journal Guidelines.pdf 

         Reflection Paper Rubric.pdf  


4. Data table on faculty demographics


     Professional Education Faculty Diversity Table.pdf  


5. Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining diverse faculty


Newberry College and the TEP are committed to increasing faculty diversity.  The Office of Human Resources follows guidelines including affirmative action representatives on search committees, position advertisements in venues that reach a diverse readership, and recruitment at national conferences.  In addition, the Chair of the Department of Education requires a justification from a search committee if a minority candidate is not in the pool of identified candidates. 


6. Data table on candidate demographics


     Candidate Diversity Table.pdf  


7. Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining diverse candidates


     Call Me MISTER License Agreement 2010.pdf 

     Newberry College policy - Equal Employment Opportunity.pdf  


8. Data table on demographics of P-12 students in schools used for clinical practice


      P-12 Diversity Table by District.xls 

      P-12 Diversity Table by School.xls  


9. Policies, practices, and/or procedures that facilitate candidate experiences with students from diverse groups


      Diversity of Placements Formula.pdf

      Diversity of Placements Levels.pdf

      P-12 Diversity Table by District.xls 

      P-12 Diversity Table by School.xls  


IR Addendum Exhibit for Standard 4 

     Added August 3, 2011  |  See IR Addendum


     Nonwhite Students in Teacher Cadet School Partners 2011-12.pdf  



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