
SC Standards for Educator Preparation

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Newberry College is pleased to host a joint visit with NCATE and the State of South Carolina.  The 16 SC Standards for Teacher Preparation are addressed in this portion of our exhibit room.     


SC State Standard Description of Success  Evidence of Success 

1 - NCATE 

  • The unit is compliant with NCATE Standards 1 through 6.
01 - NCATE.pdf   NCATE Accreditation Summary.pdf  


  • The unit's assessment system for initial educator preparation effectively incorporates the ADEPT system.   
  • The unit's assessment system for advanced educator preparation programs, when appropriate, effectively incorporates the ADEPT system.  (Not applicable to Newberry College 
  • The unit is effectively implementing the ADEPT system in field and clinical experiences.    
02 - ADEPT.pdf  

SCDE ADEPT Plan Review 2010-11.pdf

ADEPT Evaluation 2005-08.pdf

ADEPT Evaluation Summary.pdf

ADEPT Training Sign-In 2011.01.06.pdf

IHE ADEPT Program Evaluation and Assurances 2010-11.pdf

IHE ADEPT Program Evaluation and Assurances 2011-12.pdf



  • Candidates enrolled in leadership programs demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of PADEPP standards and performance criteria.  (Not applicable to Newberry College) 
  • Candidates enrolled in leadership programs design personal professional development plans based on PADEPP standards and a school's strategic plan.  (Not applicable to Newberry College
  • The unit's assessment system for advanced programs includes PADEPP and NBPTS as appropriate.  (Not applicable to Newberry College
03 - PADEPP.pdf    

4 - EEDA

  • Candidates in leadership educator preparation programs have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to achieve the EEDA performance standards for leadership education programs.  (Not applicable to Newberry College)
  • Candidates in teacher educator preparation programs have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to achieve the EEDA performance standards for teacher education programs. 
  • Candidates in counselor preparation programs have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to achieve the EEDA performance standards for counselor education programs.  (Not applicable to Newberry College
04 - EEDA.pdf  

TEP EEDA Course Alignment Chart.pdf 

TEP EEDA Course Alignment Chart 2.pdf

ECE 439 ELE 449 EEDA Rubric.pdf

ECE 439 ELE 449 EEDA Rubric Summary 2009-10.pdf

MAT 336 EEDA Rubric.pdf

MAT 336 EEDA Rubric Summary 2010-11.pdf

SSC 335 EEDA Rubric.pdf

SSC 335 EEDA Rubric Summary 2010-11.pdf

EDU 342 Syllabus (Stubbs Spring 2011).pdf

Secondary Methods EEDA Assessment.pdf



5 - Standards of Conduct

  • Candidates are informed in writing of the state Standards of Conduct (59-25-160; 59-25-530; 63-17-1060) required for initial certification.   
05 - Standards of Conduct.pdf   Standards Text Hunt.pdf  

6 - Safe Schools Climate Act

  • Candidates in all certification programs, initial and advanced, have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to identify and prevent bullying, harassment, and intimidation in schools.   
06 - Safe Schools Climate Act.pdf  

EDU 230 Syllabus (Riddle, Spring 2011).pdf 

EDU 341 Syllabus (Kennedy, Fall 2010).pdf 

Safe Schools Presentation.pdf 

Milsom - Bullying in Middle Schools.pdf  

7 - PK-12 Academic Standards

  • Candidates in all certification programs know, understand, and can apply SC PK-12 academic standards in the area in which they seek certification. 
07 - PK-12 Academic Standards.pdf  

Lesson Plan Assignment(1).pdf 

Lesson Plan Template(1).pdf 

Lesson Plan Rubric(1).pdf  

8 - Admissions

  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs demonstrate basic academic proficiencies by meeting the standards set by the State Board of Education on Praxis I or on the SAT or ACT. 
  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs at the undergraduate level have completed a minimum of 45 semester hours of college level work with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 on a 4-point scale, or at the recommendation of the unit head, a cumulative GPA of 2.25 on a 4-point scale. 
  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs at the undergraduate level have provided a statement of disclosure concerning all prior convictions, including felonies and misdemeanors. 
  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs at the graduate level (usually MAT) have met admissions requirements that are equivalent to those of other graduate programs operating at the institution.  (Not applicable to Newberry College
  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs at the graduate level (usually MAT) have demonstrated academic proficiency.  (Not applicable to Newberry College  
  • Candidates admitted to initial educator preparation programs at the graduate level have provided a statement of disclosure concerning all prior convictions, including felonies and misdemeanors.  (Not applicable to Newberry College  
  • Candidates admitted to advanced educator preparation programs have met admissions requirements that are equivalent to those of other graduate programs operating at the institution.  (Not applicable to Newberry College 
  • Candidates admitted to advanced educator preparation programs have provided a statement of disclosure concerning all prior convictions, including felonies and misdemeanors.  (Not applicable to Newberry College  
08 - Admissions.pdf   See 



Admission Essay Prompt and Rubric 2011.pdf

Admission Summary Data 2007-10(1).pdf

TEC Minutes 2010.11.09.pdf

TEC Minutes 2011.01.25.pdf




9 - Field and Clinical Experience

  • Candidates at the initial undergraduate level have completed a minimum of 100 hours of field experience prior to clinical practice. 
  • Candidates at the initial graduate level (MAT) have completed a minimum of 75 hours of field experience prior to clinical practice.  (Not applicable to Newberry College   
  • Candidates have cleared background checks by the Federal Bureau of Investigation prior to clinical practice. 
  • Clinical practice experiences provide for candidates' intensive and continuous involvement in a public school setting. 
  • Clinical practice experiences are equivalent to a minimum of twelve weeks or sixty full days. 
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates teach independently for a minimum of ten full days in one setting.
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates adhere to the daily schedule of the cooperating teachers (e.g., bus duty, faculty meetings, parent conferences, extracurricular activities, in-service training, and rehearsals). 
  • Candidates in traditional clinical practice experiences do not receive monetary compensation for their work.  Candidates on Board approved innovative clinical practice experiences may be paid for their work.  
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates are supervised by one or more institutional faculty members who have preparation in supervision, in the ADEPT system, and in the teaching major.
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates are supervised by one or more school-based faculty members who have training in the ADEPT system. 
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates receive formative assessments, written and oral feedback, and assistance from both their institutional faculty supervisors and their school-based faculty supervisors.  All formative assessments include a minimum of four classroom observations (two observations by institutional faculty supervisors and two by school-based supervisors). 
  • During clinical practice experiences candidates receive at least one summative evaluation that addressed all ADEPT Performance Standards.  All summative evaluations include appropriate data collection methods, including at least two classroom observations (one observation by the institutional faculty supervisors and one observation by school-based faculty supervisors).  All candidates receive written and oral consensus-based feedback on all ADEPT Performance Standards.  
09 - Field and Clinical Experience.pdf   For internship final evaluation, please see 



Internship Handbook.pdf

Description of Field Experiences.pdf

Observation Record.pdf

Field Experience Hours by Major.pdf




10 - Eligibility for Certification 

  • Candidates for secondary certification have completed at least 30 semester hours in the area in which they are recommended for certification.  Middle level candidates at the initial level must complete two areas of concentration with at least 15 semester hours in each area. 
10 - Eligibility for Certification.pdf  

Biology Education.pdf 

Chemistry Education.pdf 

English Education.pdf 

Social Studies Education.pdf 

Middle Level LA Math.pdf 

Middle Level LA Social Studies.pdf  

11 - Annual Reports

  • The unit has a diversity plan and submits annual updates to the State Department of Education.
  • The unit has an assessment plan and submits annual updates to the State Department of Education. 
  • The unit is implementing its assessment plan and findings are consistent with the plan and annual updates.
  • The unit submits a copy of its AACTA/NCATE report to the State Department of Education annually.
  • The unit submits a Title II report to the State Department of Education annually.
11 - Annual Reports.pdf  

Diversity Report 2008.pdf 

TItle II Report 2008-09(1).pdf 

TEP Unit Assessment System(1).pdf

AACTE Institutional Report 2010.pdf  

AACTE Institutional Report 2011.pdf  

12 - Diversity 

  • The unit is implementing its Diversity Plan and findings are consistent with the plan and annual updates.
  • The unit recruits teachers from culturally diverse backgrounds. 
  • Candidates possess a strong knowledge of cultural diversity issues which include global and multicultural perspectives.
  • Candidates can teach all students, regardless of exceptionalities or backgrounds.
12 - Diversity.pdf  

TEP Conceptual Framework(1).pdf 

Call Me MISTER License Agreement 2010(1).pdf 

Candidate Diversity Table(1).pdf 

Mean GPA Averages for EDU 232(1).pdf 

Professional Education Diversity Proficiencies(1).pdf 

Table of Diversity Components(1).pdf 


13 - Professional Development Courses

  • The unit aligns professional development courses and related activities for teachers and other school personnel, to the extent appropriate, with the National Staff Development Council’s Standards for staff development.  http://www.learningforward.org/stan dards/index.cfm  (Not applicable to Newberry College)
  • The unit aligns professional development courses at the graduate level with the ten SACS criteria:  knowledge base, dynamic interaction, research base, faculty qualifications, faculty contributions to the discipline, duration of activity, collective participation, content focus, active learning, and coherence.  http://www.che.sc.gov/AcademicAff airs/Guidelines_For_Grad_Courses_ Dev.doc  (Not applicable to Newberry College) 
13 - Professional Development Courses.pdf    

14 - Advanced Programs for Educator Preparation 

  • The unit aligns graduate degree programs for classroom teachers, especially those that do not lead to advanced certification with the five core propositions of the NBPTS Standards.  (Not applicable to Newberry College)
14 - Advanced Programs for Educator Preparation.pdf    

15 - Experimental or Innovative Programs 

  • The unit complies with the SCDE policy for Experimental or Innovative Programs if applicable.  (Not applicable to Newberry College)
15 - Experimental or Innovative Programs.pdf    

16 - ISTE Standards

  • The unit aligns degree programs, professional development courses, and related activities for teachers and other school personnel with the most recent National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T) developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) as a strategy for significantly enhancing the capacity of preservice as well as in-service teachers to incorporate technology into their teaching and their students’ learning. 
16 - ISTE Standards.pdf   EDU 382 Syllabus (Stubbs, Spring 2011).pdf  


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