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1. Unit catalogs and other printed documents describing general education, specialty/content studies, and professional studies
Newberry College Core Curriculum Requirements
2010-11 Newberry College Catalog.pdf
2009-10 Newberry College Catalog.pdf
2008-09 Newberry College Catalog.pdf
2. Syllabi for professional education courses
Fall 2010
ECE 233 Early Childhool Curriculum and Assessment
ECE 252 Language Development and Communication Skills: Young Children
ECE 437 Teaching an Integrated Curriculum
ECE 438 Methods and Materials for Social Studies
EDU 341 Classroom Environment for Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms
ELE 448 Methods and Materials for Elementary Social Studies
ELE 457 Reading Diagnosis and Remedial Treatment
EMD 335 Middle School Curriculum and Organization
MUS 470
MUS 471 Instrumental Methods and Materials
PHE 440 Curriculum and Evaluation
Spring 2011
ECE 251 Mathematical Concepts for Young Children
ECE 352 Literacy Development in Young Children
ECE 437 Teaching an Integrated Curriculum
ECE 439 Methods and Materials for Science and Mathematics
EDU 224 Foundations of Teaching and Learning
EDU 230 Human Development and Learning - 2
EDU 232 Working with Exceptional and Diverse Learners
EDU 300 Assessment for Learning
EDU 342 Classroom Environment for Middle and High School Classrooms
EDU 382 Technology and Teaching
EDU 455 Content Area Literacy in Middle and High Schools
EDU 483 Internship Seminar
ELE 221 Children's Literature
ELE 353 Teaching of Reading in the Elementray Schools
ELE 449 Methods and Materials for Elementray Mathematics and Science
EMD 438 Methods of Teaching Middle Level Social Studies
EMD 439 Methods of Teaching Middle Level Mathematics
MAT336 Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics
MUS 370 Music for Early Childhood/Elementary Teachers
MUS 472 Choral Methods and Materials
SCI 321 Methods of Teaching Secondary Science
SSC 335 ?
3. Conceptual Framework
TEP Conceptual Framework.pdf
4. Findings of other national accreditation associations related to the preparation of education professionals
Program Review Chart
Early Childhood: NAYCE Report 09.2010 | Response to Conditions 02.2011
Elementary Education: ACEI Report 09.2010 | Initial Review 02.2011
Physical Education: NASPE Report 09.2010 | NASPE Initial Review 02.2011
Music: NASM Commendation 07.2003
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